Tom’s BakingSite





Here you can find out all about the products I use. Whether self-made or bought. Test reports, testimonials and product recommendations.

Have fun reading

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Perfekte Pizza aus dem Holzofen

The Ooni Fyra is a pizza oven heated with pellets.It is heated particularly quickly and reaches up to 500°C.

This means that the pizza is ready in 60 – 80 seconds and tastes delicious as from the Italian.

Handling is easy and lighting is no problem thanks to the very good air flow in the housing.

All details can be found in the report.
Have fun reading. 

Ganz unten auf der Seite habt Ihr die Möglichkeit den Beitrag in den sozialen Medien zu teilen und die Seite zu "liken". 

Hinterlasst mir auch gerne einen Kommentar, wie es Euch gefallen hat.


Gärbox selbst bauen

Sourdough needs above all warmth and a constant temperature to thrive.

After i failed a few times, I realized that I needed a fermentation box.

Since finished fermentation boxes are far too expensive, I thought about building one myself. Here you can find the guide and some experiences.

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