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Yoghurt Marble GuglHupf


Chocolate coating

The recipe

A Guglhupf is standard when baking, It is not much effort to prepare it and if you expect a surprising visit to the coffee with some advance visit you can prepare the Guglhupf quickly. And if the time is not quite enough, you leave the chocolate coating and put a little icing sugar over it instead 🙂



To make this wonderful airy and delicious marble Gugelhupf we need the following ingredients:

100g butter

150g caster sugar

3 pcs eggs


1 pkg vanilla sugar (Bourboun vanilla sugar preferably)

1Pkg baking powder

4 cl Amaretto

75g yoghurt

350g flour

250 ml milk

200g couverture to decorate


First, preheat the oven to 180°C above and under heat.

Put the eggs, butter, icing sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl and beat frothy. 

Then add the yoghurt and mix. 

The whole thing should then look something like the picture on the side.

Now take turns adding the flour, baking powder, milk and amaretto and stirring everything into a creamy dough. 

Then grease the baking tin and add about half of the dough to the prepared baking dish. 

For those who are interested, I have linked below a few baking tins on Amazon that have good reviews. I myself use the Zenker baking pan, with which I am very satisfied. 

Leave the rest of the dough in the bowl and add 3 tablespoons of baking cocoa and mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed, which has an even colour.

The whole thing should then look like you can see on the left side of the picture. 

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Pour the chocolate dough onto the light dough into the baking dish.

Then mix the dough with a fork with a circular movement pulling from bottom to top. 

Now the baking dish comes into the oven for 45 – 50 min at 180°C top and bottom heat. 

After the 45 min with a wooden stick, check whether the dough is really baked within the baking dish. This is the case if you stick the wooden stick in several places to the bottom in the dough and no more dough sticks to the wooden stick. 


I tried to document this in the pictures below. 

When the cake is then baked and has passed the control, remove the mould from the oven and allow to cool for 30 – 50 min. 

Don't take it out too early, as there's a risk of the cake breaking. 


Then comes the decoration. To do this, the couverture must be melted over a water bath and then evenly divided on the cake. This is best done when the cake has already cooled down. 

Der Genuss

Finally, place the marble cake cold for half an hour so that the couverture can get hard again and the cake gets its final appearance.

Then it can be touched and enjoyed.

Have fun baking.

I would appreciate comments.

Your Tom



A piece (50g) of the cake has about 133 Kcal

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