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Honey-bread cake

With icing sugar

The recipe

Gingerbread belongs to Christmas like the Christmas Child or Santa Claus. 

The advantage of this cake is that it is made really fast and still tastes very good.

So a wonderful start to the biscuit baking season. 



300g wheat flour

150g honey

50g butter


1pc egg

70g caster sugar

10g soda

10g gingerbread spice

150g grated almonds

Heat the butter and honey to about 80°C, then allow to cool slightly.

Then add the mixture together with the other ingredients to the mixing bowl and mix well.

Now spread the mixture evenly on a baking sheet. 

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Bake the whole thing now for approx. 10 min at 210°C above and below heat.

Sprinkle with icing sugar and cut into pieces.  

The honey cake tastes best with a cup of coffee or tea and is a real treat for young and old right now in the Advent season. 

Have fun baking and enjoying

Your Tom

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Apfel-Vanille Kuchen

My favorite cake. Because it goes so fast and you usually have everything you need for it, at least if you like to bake. 

Ooni Fyra


I like to bake a yeast pudding in between. It is always nice to have one there, so that you can always have something to snack for coffee or even if you want something sweet for breakfast.